Sometimes, it’s difficult to identify the symptoms of drug abuse or addiction. Often, people who have become dependent on drugs are unaware of this dependence. This is due to the altering of the brain’s way of operating as a result of the extensive use of drugs. Unfortunately, since it is sometimes difficult to know that one is abusing drugs, one could become addicted without even realizing it. So, it is important to know some of the symptoms of drug abuse.

What is Drug Abuse?
First of all, it should be pointed out that drug abuse and drug addiction are two different things, although they are very closely related. Drug abuse is defined as the improper use of drugs. If someone abuses drugs, he or she may use more medication than was prescribed or consume an illegal drug often. Drug abuse may also be called substance abuse. It may lead to drug addiction. Having an addiction to drugs means that one lacks the ability or will to stop using the substances he or she has been abusing. It is considered to be a disease of the brain. The drugs change the brain’s makeup, causing it to become very difficult to stop using the substances.
A person may start abusing drugs for various reasons. For some, illegal drug use and abuse may be an effort to “fit in”, socially speaking. It may be a result of peer pressure. Stress or traumatic experiences may also cause people to begin abusing drugs. If a family member has had an abuse or addiction problem, one may also have the same issues. Expecting mothers who have drug abuse problems could also cause their babies to become addicted or dependent on drugs.

What are the Symptoms of Drug Abuse?
Of course, every case of drug abuse is different and the signs and symptoms of abuse will vary. But there are some symptoms of drug abuse that are common and could possibly be strong indicators of the presence of substance abuse. Here are some of the signs:
- Agitation/Irritation
- Mood swings
- Blackouts
- Relationship problems (disconnectivity with friends, family, spouses, etc.)
- Physical drug dependence
- Lack of responsible activity (school, work, etc.)
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Appetite changes
- Personality changes
- Depression
- Lack of self-control
- Loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities
- Loss of motivation
Again, these signs and symptoms of drug abuse are not necessarily seen in every case. Even so, if any of them are seen in your life or in the life of a loved one, it is worth examination.
Fighting Symptoms of Drug Abuse with Help
Drug abuse is more common in today’s society than most believe or admit. You do not have to be among the statistics of substance abusers. Fortunately, help is available for those who have become dependent on drugs and have begun to abuse substances. Asheville Recovery Center is committed to helping people recover from substance abuse and addiction through therapy, twelve-step facilitation, and compassionate care. Our mission is to offer freedom to people who are struggling to overcome the painful lifestyle that results from drug abuse. If you or your loved one have been fighting, there is no need to fight alone. Allow Asheville Recovery Center to join you in winning the battle against substance abuse. Contact us today to start the path to recovery from drug abuse.