Intensive Outpatient Program
The Intensive Outpatient Program at Asheville Recovery Center provides part-time treatment to all clients, allowing them to return to work, school, or family life without having to sacrifice receiving quality addiction treatment.
Intensive Outpatient Program in Asheville, NC
The Intensive Outpatient Program at Asheville Recovery Center provides part-time treatment to all clients, allowing them to return to work, school, or family life without having to sacrifice receiving quality addiction treatment.

About Our IOP Program In Asheville
At Asheville Recovery Center, our intensive outpatient program offers part-time care that combines various therapies and a network of support to equip clients with the necessary tools for returning back to daily living.
Out intensive outpatient program, or IOP, is a treatment option that helps clients in early recovery transition from full-time addiction treatment to fully independent living. These are part-time therapeutic treatment programs built for clients who wish to work, attend school, or commit time to other daily routines while still receiving treatment. At Asheville Recovery Center, we offer intensive outpatient programs for our clients who are ready to begin their transition back into work, school, and home life, but who still need regular support and therapy as they walk their recovery journey.

What Does the Intensive Outpatient Program Consist of?
Intensive outpatient caseloads at Asheville are limited to 30-45 patients at once, in order to keep a high staff-to-client ratio that ensures that our patients always have individual attention from clinical staff. Clients in these programs at Asheville form small, tight-knit communities of recovering peers that support one another throughout the process.
Intensive outpatient program sessions at Asheville are part-time, which gives patients a chance to gain employment or attend school during treatment. This is an ideal option for clients who have completed a full-time treatment program, such as inpatient or PHP, and still want clinical support as they adjust to their daily lives. It’s also a great choice for individuals who need help with an addiction or alcoholism problem but who still need to meet work or home life responsibilities while being treated.
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Clients will have access to individual and group therapies during an IOP, as well as access to medical staff for medication management and dual diagnosis treatment, if necessary. All sessions are for several hours a few days a week, to allow for a full-time work schedule to comfortably coincide with clinical treatment hours. This option helps clients build life skills and establish normal routines while still addressing their long-term treatment needs.
How Long Does it Last?
The length of IOP therapy is determined by a multitude of variables, especially the clients’ rate of recovery. Some clients attend for one month, while others may require six months. IOP normally requires clients to report to sessions on a part-time basis, meaning they may come two to four days per week. It really depends on each individual client’s treatment requirements.

Who is an IOP Best For?
Hospitalization, such as being in a hospital, clinic, rehab, or another facility, can be difficult for some people. These facilities provide the highest level of care, but they may not be the best choice for people with certain commitments. You may have family or work commitments that require your attention and leaving for a long time may not be an option for you. If you have those types of obligations, IOPs are typically the best option. You can receive the best of both worlds by receiving treatment and returning home afterward.
Because IOPs are not residential programs, it is important that individuals participating in an IOP have a secure home environment. Family members and friends who provide a strong support system are ideal. Residential treatment is typically recommended for individuals who live with drug users or drinkers in order to remove them from these triggers that could lead to relapse.
At Asheville Recovery Center, we offer both an intensive outpatient program (IOP) and a partial hospitalization program (PHP). Although they both effectively treat substance use disorders, these two programs are very different.
PHP provides a lot of individual and group therapy in order to teach clients better ways to cope with their stress than turning to drug or alcohol abuse. It is because of this that PHP is sometimes referred to as day treatment, implying that clients will receive care on a nearly full-time basis during the day and be sent home in the evenings.
Clients who have been treated in the inpatient setting or PHP may participate in an IOP program, so long as their symptoms are under control. Since IOP programs are designed for individuals who do not require inpatient treatment and have moderate to mild symptoms, they are usually provided as a step down phase for patients who have left the inpatient facility or have completed PHP treatment. You may adhere to your treatment program after you regain the confidence to start a new sober life in IOP, which provides the right amount of support.
What to Expect in an Intensive Outpatient Program
Our intensive outpatient program time requirement typically ranges from 6-12 hours of group and individual therapy each week, in addition to encouraging participation in a 12-step program. This is completely dependent on the client’s treatment requirements.12-step group sessions are usually held on-site at our clinical facility in Asheville, North Carolina.
Group Therapy
Our group therapy secessions provide a fresh resource for socialization and offers people the chance to enhance their communication abilities. Because prior socialization with drug or alcohol users is common in addiction, this is especially crucial. Individuals with comparable issues meet to offer peer support, compassion, and honest feedback in group therapy. Furthermore, group therapy can encourage healthy behaviors and provide a secure environment that is central to recovery efforts. Group members who have progressed further in their recovery frequently offer valuable assistance and empathy to those who are early in their recovery. Group therapy tends to be the backbone of most IOPs. Some research indicates that group participation is as effective as individual therapy in battling addiction.
Individual Therapy
Substance abuse has a profound impact on clients’ lives and may cause serious problems. Individual therapy is beneficial because clients may spend more time addressing individual concerns in individual therapy sessions. Many people feel more comfortable talking about private issues in individual therapy than in a group setting. Individual therapy is provided as part of most IOPs, and it is typically scheduled at least weekly if not more frequently, especially in the early stages of treatment. Therapy sessions are led by therapists who establish close, trustworthy relationships based on mutual trust and commitment to recovery.
Medication Management
Intensive outpatient care for substance abuse provides continuous health needs assessments and medication management in addition to medication administration and monitoring. Physicians, health professionals, and nursing staff provide medication management to alleviate or stabilize symptoms.
Family Therapy
Having family therapy during an outpatient rehab can give family members the strength they need to begin their recovery. It also demonstrates to family members how much drugs and alcohol negatively impacted their life. Finally, family members see how dedicated and committed their loved ones are to becoming substance-free.

Stages of Addiction Treatment
There are five phases of addiction recovery: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Learn more about each phase below.
Individuals in the early stages of addiction recovery are not yet ready for any addiction treatment program. During this phase, addicts are defensive and provide countless justifications for their actions. In addition, the positive effects of drug use are emphasized and its damaging consequences are ignored. Since someone may remain in this phase because of a lack of information about addictive behavior, another reason we commonly see individuals get stuck in the precontemplation stage is because of numerous failed treatment and recovery opportunities.
During the contemplative phase, addicts consider the consequences of their addiction and contemplate how it has affected their lives. Although the addicted person is willing to discuss the negative outcomes of their addiction, they are not willing to alter it. The treatment group will assist the client in weighing the pros and cons of getting assistance and will continue to use motivational interviewing techniques to assist the client in imagining new possibilities for his or her life and ways to escape active addiction.
It is crucial for treatment teams to support clients who are inadequately prepared to take action during the preparation phase. During this phase, clients gather information about potential options for change, as well as recovery supports that suit their personal interests. Asheville Recovery Center uses a holistic treatment approach that supports the preparation phase of change throughout treatment as a treatment plan that best fits each client’s individual needs is developed.
During the action phase, people believe they can change and are actively involved in their recovery. The treatment provides education, coping strategies, and interpersonal communication skills that help the client as they transition from treatment to recovery. During this phase, clients dive deep into assignments, personal inventories, and relapse prevention work to ensure a successful transition out of treatment and into recovery.
People in the maintenance phase learn how to avoid triggers and other temptations that might lead to active addiction. Individuals in this phase usually remind themselves of their achievements and establish community supports that reinforce their recovery goals. To maintain long-term recovery, a competent treatment team will assist the client in case management, gathering vital resources and supports prior to leaving the facility.
Benefits of the Intensive Outpatient Program
Individuals can still receive high-quality care while enrolled in an IOP, which is designed to help them maintain their regular daily activities. It is critical to publicize these advantages so that patients and their families can realize the value of an IOP as a treatment option for them. The following are five benefits of IOPs:
The most significant advantages of IOPs are the flexibility they offer both clients and treatment centers. Treatment staff can accommodate a patient’s unique needs and objectives thanks to customized programs. Likewise, clients are able to continue treatment as they go about their daily lives with IOPs. Treatment sessions may be scheduled with more flexibility, and they may be held at times that work for the patient.
Apply Learned Skills
Furthermore, IOPs allow clients to apply what they learn during treatment in their daily lives, rather than in residential treatment programs. When clients are taught new coping skills such as mindfulness or meditation, they may go home and apply them in real-life situations. Furthermore, IOPs allow clients to acquire new abilities that will assist them in coping with current stress.
Personal Responsibility
In addition to providing clients with greater autonomy, IOPs also allow them to take on greater personal responsibilities. Residential treatment programs typically require clients to put their personal responsibilities on hold. IOPs, however, help clients learn how to properly manage these. Furthermore, IOPs allow clients to prioritize their rehabilitation in conjunction with their outside demands. Individuals exiting rehab frequently benefit from IOPs’ ability to find a proper balance between their recovery and commitments.
One of the advantages of IOPs is that they are more private than residential treatment facilities. You become very close to other clients when you live in a residential treatment center, as your daily life becomes a subject of public interest. With an IOP, you are in a position to determine what personal information you wish to keep to yourself or share with other clients. IOP clients are also able to continue their treatment without having to inform their employer about an extended absence, as they would for residential treatment. Clients may feel less exposed as a result of the increased scheduling flexibility.
Support Network
Individuals in recovery can rely on IOPs for several support networks. During outpatient treatment, clients may take part in individual counseling sessions, group therapy sessions, support groups, and mentorship to inspire and empower their recovery process. Since IOPs allow clients to remain at home, clients are urged to strengthen their support networks outside of treatment. After completing an IOP, individuals are encouraged to develop their support networks in order to feel more confident in their connections and ability to stay in recovery for the long haul.

Is an Intensive Outpatient Program Covered by Insurance?
The substance addiction treatment coverage under the Affordable Care Act is covered to some degree by insurance providers. Your IOP program duration may vary depending on your insurance coverage. Before attending Asheville Recovery Center, check your health insurance coverage to see what is covered. Our specialists are also able to do a free insurance verification for you and answer any additional questions you may have regarding cost. Our IOP is covered by most major health insurance plans in addition to cash, checks, and credit cards. We do not accept Medicaid or Medicare at this time.
Intensive Outpatient Program at Asheville Recovery Center
The Asheville Recovery Center’s intensive outpatient program provides an intimate community and strong therapeutic support as clients begin their journey toward independent living and recovery in the real world. If you are interested in this program for yourself or a loved one, call us right away. We are here to help you.