Drug Rehab in Asheville, NC
It is critical for individuals addicted to drugs to seek treatment. At Asheville Recovery Center, we use evidence-based treatment methods in combination with alternative, holistic practices to help people overcome their drug addiction and learn how to live a sober life.

At Asheville Recovery Center, our approach is comprehensive and individualized. However, just as addiction took years to develop, it will take a complete rehab experience to undo it. Fortunately, we are prepared to assist you in doing just that. At our center, we utilize treatment models that help our clients recover in all facets of their lives, including emotional well-being, physical health, and mental health. Because substance abuse affects all three aspects of one’s health, we employ treatment methods like holistic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and nutritional therapy, among many others in Asheville, NC.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking, continued use despite harmful consequences, and long-lasting changes in the brain. Although there have been advances in rehabilitation, millions of Americans fall victim to drug addiction each day, and most of these individuals won’t be able to fight addiction alone. Individuals considering treatment are advised to research addiction programs so that they may make an informed decision regarding treatment. At Asheville Recovery Center, we tailor each program to fit your individual needs, forging a path to recovery built specifically for you.
How Your Brain Reacts to Drugs
Drugs cause an excess release of dopamine, a naturally occurring “pleasure” chemical. As an individual repeats drug use, the brain slowly loses the ability to produce dopamine on its own and the user feels compelled to continue usage. As the user continues to regularly get high, their tolerance builds and larger or more potent quantities of the drug become required in order to reach the same high. At this time, the brain has naturally halted dopamine production.
Once an individual is addicted, their ability to make sound judgments, maintain relationships, and prioritize their health is compromised.
Most individuals become aware of their addiction yet are unable to cease use on their own. Addiction is overwhelmingly powerful and the desire to get high trumps the desire to get help.
Common Drug Addictions
Unfortunately, there remain many legal and illegal commonly-abused substances available today. At Asheville Recovery Center, we have drug addiction experts who are trained in specific addictions which include but are not limited to:
Opiates and Opioids
North Carolina is unfortunately very familiar with the opioid epidemic that has swept across the United States. In 2018, an estimated 79% of drug overdose deaths involved opioids in North Carolina.
This highly addictive substance is readily available, and a high number of Americans have admitted to trying this drug, often referred to as crystal meth, at least once in their lifetime. It elicits a 6-16 hour high and can be used in many forms: crushed, smoked, inhaled, injected, snorted, or swallowed. The long-term effects of crystal meth – even after treatment – include memory problems and emotional distress.
Heroin comes in a brown or white powder, or a black and sticky substance sometimes referred to as “black tar.” It can be inhaled via the nasal passages, injected or smoked. Some users enhance heroin’s effect by “speedballing,” which is when heroin is combined with cocaine or methamphetamine for an exaggerated euphoric effect. As heroin is used more frequently, a tolerance is built, so dosage is frequently increased in order to achieve a high.
Crack and Cocaine
The difference between these two substances is in the production. Cocaine is a white powder that can be snorted or injected, while crack is a hardened, crystallized substance that is typically smoked. Crack is made from cocaine, by boiling water and baking soda then cooking it with the cocaine. So, they are essentially the same drug, but in different forms and with different applications.
Although not legally classified as an “addictive drug,” marijuana can pose dangers due to the likelihood of dependency based on its psychological effects. It should be avoided by those who suffer from schizophrenia, as marijuana use can worsen those symptoms. It can also lead to an increase in appetite, lower blood pressure, and increased heart rate. When an individual with pre-existing health conditions uses this drug, those symptoms can worsen, putting them at risk for more serious side effects.
These drugs are typically chemical-based household products that can create a high when inhaled. In most cases, these drugs are used by soaking a cloth in the inhalant of choice, placing it near the face and sniffing. This process is known as “huffing.” Huffing creates a high that often marks the beginning stages of other more serious drug experimentation that in many cases leads to addiction.
We Understand Addiction – Why Our Drug Treatment Center Works
Here at Asheville Recovery Center, our founders and addiction experts have life experience in battling addiction and understand first hand what it takes to get clean.
Because they are so thankful for a life of sobriety, the founders are now committed to helping others – just like you – get their lives back on track.
Here at Asheville Recovery Center, you’ll be treated with the dignity and respect you deserve. struggling with addiction doesn’t mean you aren’t worthy of love, support, care, and guidance. The founders know how damaging negativity can be during the recovery process, so the foundation of our programs is based on this idea: It is not a privilege to live a life without addiction, it is a right. We’ll give you the tools to achieve lifelong sobriety because you deserve it.
The Drug Treatment Center Plan
Here at Asheville Recovery Center, we tailor a treatment plan that is right for you by utilizing evidence-based therapeutic methods. There are several options when determining which drug treatment program is right for you and your lifestyle. We have both partial-hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs.
However, before any treatment program can begin detox must take place. This is a non-negotiable requirement before treatment can begin so the withdrawal symptoms are virtually non-existent. We highly recommend medical detox. While at-home detox can happen successfully, medical detox comes with a full support system to help manage the effects of withdrawal. Without medical support, the incidence of relapse before the official treatment begins is significantly higher.
We will provide information for referral programs with our partner organizations that provide this service. Once detox is complete (it typically takes 5-7 days), treatment at Asheville Recovery Center can begin.
Outpatient Rehab
Other treatment options for outpatient rehab include the Partial Hospitalization Program or PHP and the Intensive Outpatient Program or IOP.
Partial Hospitalization Program PHP)
PHP is for the individual who wants to live at home or in a different sober living environment but still wants to partake in the therapies and methods offered in treatment. This is best utilized after residential treatment has been completed.
With PHP, the individual will take part in all rehab therapies and methods as if it were a day job, from 9-5. With this program, the services include
- Continued supervision and support to encourage accountability
- Clinical support from medical staff
- Full access to family and individual counseling and other proven drug treatment methods
- Peer to peer contact and support
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
Unlike the PHP, the intensive outpatient program is a part-time treatment program that is often used as a step-down from more intensive treatment. Clients within an IOP are encouraged to return to work, school, and family life as they do not require the same levels of supervision. Various individual and group therapies are offered and scheduled around the client’s outside obligations.
After Treatment
Just because treatment comes to an end doesn’t mean your time with us has. Once you have completed addiction rehabilitation at the drug treatment center, we remain by your side. We are committed to helping you obtain sobriety as well as maintain sobriety. Living a full, happy life is your right, and we’re here to help you.
It can be difficult to adjust to life after treatment in any drug treatment center. We know getting back to normal can be difficult and sometimes hard to adjust to. With Asheville Recovery Center, you have a safe and comfortable space shared by people who support your new, sober life. The successful therapies and methods used in your recovery are still available once you conclude your drug treatment, and we’ll help you decide which programs will best support your new life.
Getting Help Starts Today
If you need help getting treatment for your drug addiction, we’re here for you. We know addiction on a personal level and what it takes to get sober. Searching for the right drug treatment center is a huge step. You’re already on your way to living a drug-free life.
We’re one phone call away and will treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve because we understand. We’ve been where you are right now and we have a team dedicated to your health and well-being not just physically, but also emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Our drug treatment center has all the proven programs, therapies, and methods already in place and we customize each area of treatment according to both your wishes and what is most beneficial for your recovery. We’ll also support your family and help in healing those relationships that have been damaged. You’re one phone call away from the sober life you deserve, and we’ll be with you each step of the way.