If youโ€™re looking for cocaine addiction treatment, thatโ€™s great! This is the first big step toward treating your addiction, and a vital one toward recovery at that. Looking at treatment options can be overwhelming. There are so many options out there, and itโ€™s hard to know which one will be effective for you. To learn more about the different types of therapy available and why theyโ€™re vital for your treatment plan, keep reading!ย 

Cocaine Addiction Treatment: Therapy 

As we said, there are many different types of therapy used to treat cocaine addiction. Finding a good therapist can be difficult, but the payoff is worth the struggle. While there are many options for therapy, not all of them are effective for all types of people. You have to find the ones that work best for you. 

Patients are the most successful when they engage in multiple types of therapy in different settings, for example, a group session as well as an individual session. Taking part in therapies with different tactics is helpful as well, like using cognitive behavioral therapy to rewire your thoughts while using motivational interviewing to motivate you to do your best. 

Therapy is offered both in treatment programs (like inpatient and outpatient), as well as after treatment ends with a specific therapist or organization. 

Types of Therapy Used to Treat Cocaine Addiction 

To treat cocaine addiction, therapy is used to tackle the root of the problem, usually mental health disorders, trauma, or something else. By tackling the issue at the root, patients can work on healing and growth while also staying away from cocaine and other stimulants. Therapy works best when patients are eager to change and ready to better themselves, so itโ€™s important to bring your positive attitude along with you. By fully engaging in therapy from the start, youโ€™ll have the most successful results.ย 

Are you curious about the types of therapy that are used in treatment programs and afterward? Here are five different types of therapy that are commonly used to treat cocaine addiction. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to treat a variety of different issues including both addiction and mental health disorders. CBT has frequently been demonstrated as being as effective as, or more effective than other forms of psychological therapy, making it a great option for those who struggle with cocaine addiction.ย 

CBT is based on the following core principles

  • Psychological problems are based, in part, on faulty or unhelpful ways of thinking
  • Psychological problems are baked, in part, on learned patterns of unhelpful behavior
  • People suffering from psychological problems can learn better ways of coping with them, thereby relieving their symptoms and becoming more effective in their lives

By engaging in CBT, youโ€™ll be able to change your thinking patterns in order to live a more effective life. That involves learning coping mechanisms, problem-solving skills, and learning more about your personal motivations. 

CBT is a great baseline for treating cocaine addiction because it helps people get to the root of the problem while learning how to prevent relapse by learning coping mechanisms and other healthy behaviors. 

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing is a style of therapy that involves engaging with the therapist and forming a partnership to better understand what youโ€™re going through. During these sessions, youโ€™ll work hand in hand with your therapist in order to develop a game plan. In the simplest of terms, motivational interviewing helps patients strengthen their motivations for becoming sober. Whether it be for themselves, their family, or any other reason, motivational interviewing tackles those motivators, using them to strengthen the treatment plan. 

Motivational interviewing is grounded in conversation, specific to a certain plan or change that the patient is hoping to go through, in this case, it would be cocaine addiction and the road to recovery. 

Contingency Management

Contingency management is a very effective strategy used to treat addiction that works best in group settings (but can be used in one-on-one settings as well). In these programs, recovering addicts bank rewards for each week that theyโ€™re sober. These rewards are often material instead of monetary. Once they reach a set deadline, such as a month sober, theyโ€™ll collect the rewards theyโ€™ve banked each month. 

If a urine test shows up positive for drugs, theyโ€™ll lose all the rewards they have banked up to that point and have to start over. This method helps to keep recovering addicts motivated, giving them an extra incentive to stay sober. 

Family Therapy

Family therapy helps bridge the gap between addicts and their families, helping close relatives to better understand what addicts are going through. Family therapy can also help addicts cope with how theyโ€™ve hurt their families because of their addiction. 

During family therapy, therapists will facilitate a conversation between members of the family, allowing anyone to air any grievances they might have. This can help to smooth over any issues and bring families close together or provide closure if necessary. Family therapy can also be incredibly helpful for addicts with children. 

Group Therapy

Group therapy is a staple in addiction treatment. Group therapy takes place both in and outside of treatment and is a great way for addicts to interact with other addicts. Stories, advice, and failures are often shared during these group sessions, promoting a safe space environment where patients can speak about anything they wish. By hearing from other people suffering from addiction, patients often feel supported and safe speaking their minds, which can prevent relapse. Group therapy often consists of multiple types of therapy, like talk therapy, contingency management, and more. 

Seek Cocaine Addiction Treatment Today

If you or someone you love is addicted to cocaine, it may be time to seek treatment. There are so many options out there, including inpatient and outpatient treatment programs and therapeutic options outside of facilities. To learn more about our programs and how we can help you get and stay sober, call Asheville Recovery Center today. Weโ€™re eager to help you on your road to recovery.ย 

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