Completing treatment for drug addiction is a significant moment in an addictโ€™s life. It means they have the tools to help them cope with daily challenges and live a life thatโ€™s free of substance abuse. For many people struggling with addiction, treatment offers the best chance of recovery. However, itโ€™s an intensive experience that can disrupt an individualโ€™s personal and professional lives. While youโ€™re away getting treatment, you may feel like everyone else has moved on.

Returning to work after rehab can be daunting even though youโ€™ll be healthier and in a better frame of mind. You may be happy about resuming your career but worried that the work environment has changed. You may be concerned that coworkers will stare at you or talk about you behind your back. You may even be scared that clients wonโ€™t take you seriously anymore. These are all valid concerns. However, weโ€™ll provide some tips to help make the transition a lot easier. Donโ€™t be afraid to ask an Asheville addiction recovery professional for additional help.

If you are looking for tips for a specific city check out our other articles on this topic:

Discuss Your Return with Your Employer

Your employer will play a major role in helping you to re-enter the work environment. Collaborate with them to create a plan that will work for you. Talk to them about your needs, your struggles, and your treatment goals. This will help to ensure that your return to work is as smooth as possible.

Decide Ahead of Time What Youโ€™ll Say to Coworkers

Even if you previously enjoyed working with your colleagues, you may feel a little awkward now. Some may want to ask you about rehab while others may avoid talking about your absence altogether. You get to decide how much youโ€™ll say and who youโ€™ll say it to. Youโ€™re probably closer to some coworkers than others so you may go into different levels of detail. If you want to keep your experience completely private, youโ€™re well within your rights to do so.

Plan How Youโ€™ll Handle Job-Related Stress

All jobs have stressful moments. You probably know the people or situations that tend to trigger stress for you at work. Use the skills you learned during rehab to manage these triggers. If you need your employer to make certain changes to help you cope, discuss your options with them.

Keep Up with Therapy or Support Group Session

Thereโ€™s still work to be done when you leave rehab if you want to avoid relapse. Your transition to work will be easier if you stick to the plan you developed. Donโ€™t get so caught up with your job that you stop going to counseling or ignore your support group. Your long-term recovery is very important.

Be on the Lookout for Burnout

Burnout happens when an individual is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. People who are recovering from addiction can be more prone to burnout and this makes relapse more likely. Another consideration is that you may end up replacing your drug addiction with a work addiction. In the early stages of recovery, it can be difficult to stick to new, healthy habits. Be sure to prioritize all aspects of your health when you return to work.

Remember That Youโ€™re Not Alone

Recovery is often difficult and returning to regular activities can be uncomfortable. However, itโ€™s important to remember that other people have been down this road before. Many of them will be willing to help ease your transition if you simply reach out. Loved ones, professionals, and other people on the recovery journey can assist you and encourage you.

Take Advantage of Your Workplaceโ€™s Employee Assistance Program

Even the company you work for may be able to help you. Many workplaces have Employee Assistance Programs designed to provide short-term support for employees facing challenges. If you need counseling or access to other helpful resources because of a difficult situation, ask about your companyโ€™s program.

Get Treatment for Your Addiction

Many of the people reading this article are preparing to go back to work after completing rehab. Some may have already returned to the office. However, you may be looking down the road even though youโ€™re still deciding whether to enter rehab. Thereโ€™s no need to suffer silently at work every day if you have a substance use problem. The team at Asheville Recovery Center can help you to work towards sobriety with a personalized treatment program. You may not need to stop working while you get treatment. Recovery is difficult but itโ€™s possible no matter how long youโ€™ve been struggling. Call us today to ask questions or schedule a meeting with one of our treatment professionals.

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