The 5 Stages of Alcohol Addiction

The 5 Stages of Alcohol Addiction

Medically Reviewed By Jodi Mabry, Nurse Practitioner (NP) What are the 5 stages of alcohol addiction? First, it’s important to understand the addiction, itself. Alcohol addiction occurs for several reasons. Individuals can be motivated by a variety of emotions, situations, and traumas. What is certain is that no one chooses to become an alcoholic. Furthermore,…

How to Improve Your Chances of Achieving Long-Term Recovery from Alcohol Addiction

How to Improve Your Chances of Achieving Long-Term Recovery from Alcohol Addiction

If you’re overcoming alcohol addiction, your main priorities must be your sobriety and overall health.  If you don’t pay sufficient attention to these, your quality of life and well-being could easily spiral downward. Personal and professional challenges will continue to be a part of your life, but you’ll need to put a lot of your…