Staying Sober during the summertime can be tough. For many, the summer months represent an excuse to have a few drinks by the pool with friends. But, for those in addiction recovery, that’s not really an option. Summer is also the most common time to take vacations, and vacations are also seen as a time to party. If you are worried about your staying sober during your summer vacation or months, there are a few fun and sober activities that you can do instead of reverting back to past addictive behaviors.
Find Fun Sober Activities
Are there any activities that you have longed to try, but haven’t gotten a chance? Now that you don’t have to spend your summer days in a drunken or drugged haze, now’s your chance to take part in some new activities! Whether it’s paddleboarding, hiking waterfalls, running a marathon, cooking, organizing, reading, or even completing a puzzle you never got time to finish, obtaining a new hobby will give you something to look forward to throughout your summer days.

Staying Sober? Find a Park
Get your friends and family together and go to a park. There are many different kinds of parks; amusement parks, national parks, and water parks. Whatever your type, parks can be a great all-day adventure that does not require the use of drugs or alcohol to experience fun! They are also a great excuse to get together with the people closest to you and make new memories that will never be forgotten.

Play Sports with Friends
Exercise is a great way to spend time throughout summer days. Not only are sports a great way to spend sober time with friends, they’re a great way to stay fit and healthy. There are so many different sports to choose from, even if you don’t pin yourself as the athletic type, there is something for everyone. Also, there are sports for any number of players. Some examples of sober sports that can help with staying sober this summer include tennis, racquet ball, golf, archery, volleyball, softball, basketball, skating, and martial arts. If you still don’t find sports attractive, it’s always a good idea to get your exercise elsewhere. Try hiking, walking, running, or swimming instead.

Go Shopping at Nearby Events
Summertime is a common time for farmers and flea markets to set up shop. Find out if there are any events as such near you to attend this summer. You never know, you may find something that you’ve been searching for! Also, markets usually offer some of the freshest ingredients and foods you can find all year. Not only will you have a great time looking around, but you’ll come home with fresh, beautiful ingredients to use in your next nutritious meal!

Skip the Bar and Substitute for Coffee
When you think of spending time with your friends during the summer, you may picture yourselves at the bar. Obviously, this isn’t the best setting for individuals in recovery. But, that doesn’t that mean you can’t go out for beverages with friends. Instead of a bar, find a coffee lounge, smoothie shop, or ice cream parlor that you can spend time socializing without the temptation of alcohol.
Having Trouble Staying Sober This Summer?
We understand that it may be harder staying sober during the summer. If you or a loved one is having trouble staying sober, we can help. Remember, if you have relapsed, you don’t have to quit on your recovery. In fact, relapse is a natural part of recovery. But, if you feel that you have slipped enough to continue to use your drug of choice after the process of relapse has already occurred, you need to seek help through treatment. Don’t worry, we can provide the support you need. Give us a call at Asheville Recovery to inquire about our alcohol abuse treatment program at 866-315-8998.