Most resources refer to drug addiction in general. They define it as a chronic disorder with high relapse risk, where the sufferer seeks and uses drugs despite their adverse effects. Some North Carolina residents do it for the pleasure or forgetfulness they experience immediately after. Others do it to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
When it comes to drug addiction, it is important to keep in mind that there are significant differences from one case to another. Each drug consumer is different, has different reasons and needs, reacts differently to various stimuli, and responds differently to standard treatments. No one knows that better than the specialists in drug rehab in Asheville and other cities in NC.
Moreover, there are numerous drugs causing addiction, with different effects and withdrawal symptoms. We will review some commonly abused drugs and their main withdrawal symptoms in the following lines. The information could be useful to those battling drug addiction themselves or noticing its signs in their loved ones.
The Drugs and Withdrawal Symptoms behind Commonly Abused Drugs in North Carolina
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Americans, North Carolina residents included, commonly abuse and become addicted to the following drugs.
- Marijuana (Cannabis) – When consumed regularly and/or in high quantities, marijuana induces mild withdrawal symptoms. They range from irritability and sleep problems to loss of appetite and anxiety.
- Prescription opioids (Oxycodone, Fentanyl, Codeine, Demerol, etc.) – Used especially for pain management, opioids induce addiction and, with it, severe withdrawal symptoms. These range from restlessness, uncontrolled leg movements, and insomnia to bone and muscle pain, goose bumps, cold flashes, diarrhea, and vomiting.
- Prescription sedatives and tranquilizers (benzodiazepines like Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin) – A common treatment for anxiety, insomnia, and panic attacks, these drugs are easy to get addicted to. Ceasing their consumption often leads to symptoms like insomnia, agitation, overactive reflexes, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever, excessive sweating, hallucinations, severe cravings, and even seizures.
- Prescription stimulants (Aderall, Ritalin) – Used to stimulate brain activity and improve focus, they too cause difficult to bear withdrawal symptoms. These include depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, and cravings.
- Other recreational drugs (cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, LSD, ketamine, etc.) – They are powerful relaxants and hallucinogens, often used for the pleasure and the feeling of detachment and confidence they induce. Their withdrawal symptoms go as far as nightmares and hallucinations, heart rate and breathing problems, anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies, tremor, convulsions, physical pain, cramping, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, and fatigue.
Treating Addiction to the Most Commonly Abused Drugs in Asheville, NC
It is easy to see from the list above that withdrawal symptoms vary according to the drug abused. They also vary from one individual to the next. Therefore, addiction treatment should follow a personalized approach. It should be customized according to the specifics of the drug causing the addiction and to the needs of each person.
While it is possible to treat addiction at home, under medical supervision, treatment in recovery centers provides better results. It takes a multidisciplinary approach that focuses not only on the physical well being of the patient but also on the psychological one.
In such centers, patients benefit from:
- Management of withdrawal symptoms
- Medical supervision and support
- Family, individual, and group therapy
- Access to the newest and most effective addiction treatment methods
- Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs
- Follow-up care and support with re-integration
As mentioned above, each case is unique. If you or a loved one are battling drug addiction, you need help from specialists who understand what you are going through. They should help you identify the roots of your addiction and assess your recovery needs.
Some people need hospitalized care. Others need guidance and support to overcome their addiction at home. In all cases, access to further support and assistance is paramount when it comes to avoiding relapses. Luckily, all these and more are available in Asheville and other cities in North Carolina for anyone to benefit from them.
Make the First Step towards Overcoming Your Drug Addiction – Schedule a Free Consultation at the Asheville Recovery Center
Overcoming drug addiction is not easy but it is not impossible either. At Asheville Recovery Center, we strive to make it as easy as possible by providing our patients with complex and effective rehabilitation programs personalized to their needs and expectations.
You too can benefit from our services. To find out more about them and receive information and advice, schedule a free consultation by calling (828) 398-0181. Take the first step towards a new, better and let us help you overcome your drug addiction!