How to chose the best drug and alcohol addiction treatment program

Best Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program:2024

What is the best drug and alcohol addiction treatment program? That has been the question for millions of Americans. In the last 10 years, drug and alcohol treatment has changed a lot. Now, there are more treatment options focused on each person’s unique needs. Addiction treatment centers today also pay more attention to both addiction…

KIPU Asheville Recovery Center Partnership

ARC and Kipu: Improving Substance Abuse Treatment

A lot of people think that when you go to drug rehab, it’s just about talking, talking about your problems, talking about your past, and talking about your plans for the future. While conversations are a big part of the healing process, there’s actually a lot more going on behind the scenes to make sure…

cell phones in rehab, addiction treatment, drug rehab

Cell Phones in Rehab: How ARC Made It Work in 2024

Cell phones in Rehab you say? Not too long ago, using a cell phone in a drug treatment program was a big no-no. People were worried that cell phones could be used to bring drugs into the facility or to plan to leave treatment early, against medical advice (AMA). These concerns were real and important….

drug rehab asheville nc

10 Best Drug Rehab Facilities in Asheville NC

Recovery Center? Drug Rehab? Addiction Treatment Program? All of these are different names for the same general idea. Starting your journey in recovery is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make, and finding the right place to begin is key. Asheville, North Carolina, is more than just a beautiful backdrop for recovery—it’s a…

CLIA Waived Testing for drug rehab

95% of Rehab Centers Use CLIA-Waived Tests: Here’s Why

C.L.I.A.????? What the heck is it? In substance abuse and drug rehab settings, quick and accurate testing can make a significant difference in patient care and recovery outcomes. One critical tool that has revolutionized the way testing is done in these environments is C.L.I.A.-waived testing. But what does “C.L.I.A.-waived” mean, and why is it so…

Are you an alcoholic

7 Signs You’re an Alcoholic: It’s Not About Frequency

Alcoholism can go by many names; alcohol dependence, alcohol addiction or Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), many people think it’s all about how much or how often someone drinks. However, the truth is more complicated. It’s not just the amount or regularity of your drinking that defines alcoholism but more about what happens when you drink….

Marijuana Addiction, can you get addicted to marijuana

Marijuana Addiction: 30% of Users Admit They’re Addicted

Marijuana, often called weed, pot, grass, herb, ganja, or Mary Jane, has become a hot topic, especially as more places around the world move toward legalizing it. Many people see marijuana as a harmless drug, something you can enjoy without any serious consequences. But is this really true? Can you get addicted to weed? The…

Reverse Tolerance with drugs and alcohol

10 Powerful Facts About Reverse Tolerance

When people think about tolerance, they often associate it with alcohol—how over time, a drinker may need more alcohol to feel the same effects. However, reverse tolerance or (RT) isn’t just related to alcohol. It’s a phenomenon that can occur with many different substances, including opioids, cannabis, and other psychoactive substances. Reverse tolerance happens when…