How Long Does Marijuana Withdrawal Last?

How Long Does Marijuana Withdrawal Last?

When an individual abruptly stops using marijuana, uncomfortable side effects and Marijuana withdrawal symptoms can occur. These symptoms are defined by the American Psychological Association, withdrawal is a syndrome that develops after cessation of prolonged, heavy consumption of a substance, with symptoms varying by substance but generally including physiological, behavioral, and cognitive manifestations.  Withdrawal symptoms…

The 5 Stages of Alcohol Addiction

The 5 Stages of Alcohol Addiction

Medically Reviewed By Jodi Mabry, Nurse Practitioner (NP) What are the 5 stages of alcohol addiction? First, it’s important to understand the addiction, itself. Alcohol addiction occurs for several reasons. Individuals can be motivated by a variety of emotions, situations, and traumas. What is certain is that no one chooses to become an alcoholic. Furthermore,…