Addiction is a disease, but itโ€™s one that affects each individual differently. So, treatment for addiction needs to be specific to each individualโ€™s experiences and needs. This can vary from person to person. To address each individualโ€™s specific addiction, needs, and recovery goals, a number of types of treatment for addiction are available. Itโ€™s important to choose a route for addiction treatment which is best for you as an individual. At Asheville Recovery Center, we understand that addiction treatment works best individualized for each patient, so we offer a number of different types of treatment for addiction programs. 

Pill Addiction

Guided and Supervised Medical Detox Programs

The first stage of addiction treatment for every individual is the same regardless of recovery needs and previous experiences throughout active addiction. Detox is necessary for the removal of a substance from bodily systems. And, itโ€™s done by waiting for the substance to run its course and no longer be present within the body. While it sounds like a simple process, symptoms of detox, withdrawal, can be excruciating and debilitating. Additionally, these symptoms can even be dangerous, depending on the drug an patient abused throughout active addiction. So, itโ€™s important that you choose a medical detox program in which you can be safely monitored throughout the detox process.

Residential Treatment Programs

After detox, the next phase of treatment will commence. Treatment history usually determines which program an individual is placed into. If itโ€™s your first time enrolling in a treatment program, itโ€™s suggested that you choose a residential treatment program. These programs are 30, 60, or even 90-day programs in which individuals live at an addiction treatment facility. Here, individuals can really focus on addressing the causes of addiction, gaining helpful insight through various therapy sessions, and obtain a supportive group of recovery friends and mentors.

Outpatient Treatment Programs

For those who cannot take the time out of a busy schedule to get help through a residential treatment program, there are outpatient options. Outpatient treatment is usually recommended as a step down from residential treatment so that individuals who have recently graduated can continue with recovery efforts. Or, theyโ€™re available for individuals who have completed detox but have already been through residential treatment previously before relapsing. The structure of these programs is less intensive as individuals are only required to attend meetings or sessions a few times weekly.

There are two types of treatment for addiction outpatient programs offered at Asheville Recovery Center; intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization. Basically, the only difference is the time offered. While intensive outpatient is a day program, the PHP is offered during nighttime hours. This is to accommodate any personโ€™s schedule so that all can get the help they need.

Sober Living Environments

Once treatment is complete, itโ€™s easy to think that individuals will just be on their way to a better life free from addiction. But, itโ€™s just not that simple. Maintaining recovery efforts is imperative in order to remain sober in the days of early recovery. And, returning back to a previous environment where drug use may still be evident may not be the best idea. So, to help individuals on the path to recovery and continue with recovery goals, sober living environments are available.

Sober living environments are homes in which individuals in recovery can live together while also motivating one another concurrently. Every house has its own home manager who upholds house rules and regulations which may include chores, meetings, drug tests, and curfew. The goal of sober living environments is to help individuals successfully assimilate back into society sober. And, equipped with the skills and knowledge to remain that way.

Ready for the Program thatโ€™s Right for You?

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction or dependence, there is a hope with all the types of treatment for addiction. And, at Asheville Recovery Center, you can be confident that youโ€™ll be placed into the treatment program which will most effectively meet your recovery needs. You donโ€™t have to live with addiction any longer. You CAN become free of this disease and there ARE people willing to help you become the person youโ€™ve always meant to be! To find out more about our treatment programs, please feel free to visit our website which will offer you some additional information. Or, if youโ€™d like to speak with an experienced addiction representative confidentially, you can always give us a call at 828-518-6996!

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