alcoholism and alcohol

When it comes to drug rehab, women are much more likely to enter treatment than men. This statistic is strange, as men are more likely to develop alcoholism or drug addiction when compared to women. This means that there’s a much higher percentage of men dealing with untreated addiction when compared to women. 

Let’s take a deep dive into alcoholism and the factors that affect whether or not someone will become addicted, including gender.

Risk Factors for Developing an Alcohol Addiction

When it comes to alcohol addiction, many people are at a much higher risk than others. The people who are at a higher risk of developing an addiction should be extra careful around substances like alcohol. If they aren’t careful, it’ll be that much easier for them to develop alcoholism. Common risk factors for alcoholism include:

  • Genetic predisposition, or having a close family member that struggled with addiction. This is often a parent or grandparent. 
  • Mental health issues. Many people who have untreated or undiagnosed mental health issues often turn to alcohol as a way to cope. Even those with treated mental health problems may be at higher risk. 
  • Those who started drinking young are also at a higher risk, as alcohol changed their brain from a young age, making it easier for them to become dependent on it. 
  • Men are more likely to suffer from addiction than women.
  • Those who have used other drugs or have been addicted to other drugs may also easily develop an alcohol addiction. 

Differences Between Men and Women When it Comes to Alcohol 

According to the alcohol consumption guidelines, men and women adhere to different guidelines. For men, 2 drinks or less in one day is considered moderate drinking. For women, 1 drink or less in one day is considered moderate drinking. This is because women often weigh less than men, meaning that more alcohol will cause them to get drunk faster. 

While men are more likely to develop alcoholism, women suffer a greater risk of bodily damage associated with alcoholism. They’re more likely to hurt themselves while drunk, whether by accident or on purpose. Even though they consume less alcohol than men, women are much more likely to suffer brain or organ damage following a period of binge drinking. 

While genetic and mental health-related risks tend to affect both genders equally, social factors like peer pressure and drinking expectancy tend to skew more toward men. With all of these factors combined, it can be hard to tell who exactly is at a higher risk for developing an addiction. Studies show that men are more frequently alcoholics, but alcoholism is much more dangerous for women. 

Another study showed that men experience a greater dopamine release when drunk compared to females. Alcohol consumption is then linked to this release, causing men to increase their intake in order to feel that same “high” once more, making it much easier to form a habit. Either way, seeking treatment should be the first step for all sexes.

Attend Drug Rehab for Alcoholism  

If you or someone you love has developed an alcohol addiction, alcohol and drug rehab should be the first step. Attending a treatment facility can help addicts detox from alcohol safely, learn healthy coping mechanisms, and deal with any trauma or comorbid mental health issues. 

Here at Asheville Recovery Center, we offer a variety of different treatment programs for all individuals. To learn more about our treatment programs and how we can help you get and stay sober, call us today to speak with a treatment specialist. We’re eager to answer any questions you may have. 

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