Whether you have a mild or severe opioid addiction, itโ€™s important to remember that recovery is always possible. While early intervention is best, experts at a high-quality treatment facility can provide you with the tools you need to turn your life around. If you or someone you love is struggling with opioid addiction, we encourage you to reach out to us at Asheville Recovery Center in North Carolina to speak with a specialist about the benefits of an Intensive Outpatient Program for recovery from opioid addiction.

The medical professionals at our rehab in North Carolina are dedicated to providing clients with the best possible care. We work with our clients to develop treatment plans tailored to fit their individual needs. Our IOP provides the benefits of a residential recovery program without having to step away from your family and work obligations. 

Know the Signs of Opioid Abuse

Someone with an opioid addiction will show at least some of the common signs and symptoms of having a substance abuse disorder. Itโ€™s important that loved ones are aware of these signs so they know to intervene when help is required. 

Common signs of opioid abuse use can include:

  • Seeking more medication than prescribed 
  • Uncontrollable cravings, tolerance, and withdrawal 
  • Mood changes or instability 
  • Unusual activity 
  • Lies and excuses
  • Withdrawing from social activity 
  • Increased isolation 
  • Abnormal sleep patterns
  • Poor decision-making

There are many signs and symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Common red flags to look out for include:

  • Restlessness
  • Agitation 
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Shaking

The symptoms of opioid withdrawal typically peak between 24-48 hours after some with addiction last uses. The majority of these symptoms typically subside after a week. In certain instances, people experience persistent symptoms. Visibly noticeable symptoms of withdrawal suggest a moderate to severe addiction. A person who is experiencing this level of addiction is in need of professional assistance and can benefit from an addiction treatment program such as an intensive outpatient program (IOP). 

Be Prepared For An Emergency In Case of Relapse

When someone is going through detox, their withdrawal symptoms and cravings can be intense. This is when a person can be at the most risk for overdose as their body no longer has the same level of tolerance to potent opiates like fentanyl. 

Naloxone, often sold under the brand name Narcan, is a medication used to counter the effects of opioids. If a person is overdosing on heroin or opiates, administering naloxone can save their life. If you or someone you care about is struggling with opioid addiction, you may want to consider acquiring Narcan (naloxone) to keep on hand in case of emergency. If a person is overdosing on opioids, administering naloxone can save their life. 

Common signs of opioid overdose include:

  • Non-responsive 
  • Face is clammy to touch, has changed color 
  • Lips and fingertips turning blue 
  • Slow breathing, erratic breathing, not breathing at all
  • Deep snoring or unsettling gurgling sound 
  • Heartbeat is very slow or has stopped 

When to Choose an Intensive Outpatient Program

Outpatient treatment is often a preferred option for those with mild substance abuse disorders or those who have received more intensive treatment prior. An intensive outpatient program (IOP) can be successfully integrated into long-term treatment plans. Outpatient treatment options are a method for clients to gain valuable support without having the stress of setting aside daily responsibilities and personal obligations to family and work. For those who do not need a medically-assisted detox, an IOP allows clients to benefit from the valuable insights provided by professional assistance without the sense of having to put their lives on hold to attend an inpatient program. 

A few reasons to consider an IOP include:

  • Personal responsibilities related to home life, child care, and work, that feel like barriers for committing to a full-time residential treatment program 
  • Already undergone treatment in an inpatient treatment program
  • Already been treating in a partial hospitalization program (PHP)
  • Desire to expand safety net on your personal path to recovery 

Contact Asheville Recovery Center about Our Intensive Outpatient Program 

Asheville Recovery Center’s intensive outpatient program (IOP) gives clients the flexibility to maintain a sense of normalcy while undergoing treatment. Clients return home at the end of each day in treatment and are able to continue to fulfill important family, childcare, and necessary work obligations. 

When working with our team of professionals to develop a treatment plan, itโ€™s important clients allow us to gain insight into the true sense of your life situation. In some circumstances, an IOP is not the most appropriate treatment method. This includes situations in which your home life, work situation, or daily activities put you at risk for encountering high-risk triggers that could result in relapse. 

Remember that the help you deserve is just a phone call away. Reach out to Asheville Recovery Center in North Carolina today and speak with a specialist who can help you decide if an IOP is a sensible treatment option for you.

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