Woman in stressful situations

Maintaining Sobriety During Stressful Situations

Maintaining sobriety is difficult; stressful situations can make it even more challenging. Stress can trigger a relapse, whether it’s financial strain, relationship problems, health issues, or anything else. However, there are strategies you can use to help you stay on track and maintain your sobriety and keep your addiction recovery on track during stressful times….

Man talking to a therapist

The Role of Individual Therapy in Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a complex condition that affects individuals physically, emotionally, and mentally. Addiction recovery requires a multifaceted approach that addresses each aspect of addiction. One crucial component of addiction recovery is individual therapy. In this article, we will explore the role of individual therapy in addiction recovery, the benefits of individual therapy, and how Asheville…

Woman abusing substances

What Is a Gateway Drug and How to Prevent Substance Abuse

Gateway drugs are usually the first drugs people experiment with before moving on to more addictive and dangerous substances. They can include alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and prescription drugs. While these substances may not be inherently dangerous, they can lead to the use of more potent and harmful drugs such as cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine. This…

How To Identify Wet Brain & Its Symptoms

How To Identify Wet Brain & Its Symptoms

Liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, or fatty liver, and personality changes are often the most associated health problems with alcohol addiction. However, wet brain syndrome is a disorder that’s unfamiliar to most people. Wet brain is a severe brain disorder caused by excessive alcohol consumption and requires immediate medical attention to prevent severe and…


How Long Does It take to break an Addiction? A Journey to Recovery

Breaking free from addiction is a recovery journey, not a sprint! Some individuals compare drug, alcohol, or substance addiction to a bad habit. Addiction is a relapsing, chronic disease that can be treated, whereas habit is a routine that can be difficult to break. Drugs activate the reward system in the brain. It makes it…

what is a getaway drug
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Top 17 Most Dangerous Party Drugs

Party drugs, also known as recreational drugs, are substances that are commonly used for their psychoactive effects, often in social and party settings. These drugs are designed to alter a person’s mood, perception, and behavior. Some of the most commonly used party drugs include ecstasy, cocaine, methamphetamine, and ketamine. While these drugs can produce a…

Marijuana Addiction Treatment

How Long Does Marijuana Withdrawal Last?

When an individual abruptly stops using marijuana, uncomfortable side effects and Marijuana withdrawal symptoms can occur. These symptoms are defined by the American Psychological Association, withdrawal is a syndrome that develops after cessation of prolonged, heavy consumption of a substance, with symptoms varying by substance but generally including physiological, behavioral, and cognitive manifestations.  Withdrawal symptoms…

addicted to heroin

How Long Does it Take to Become Addicted to Heroin?

Because heroin is incredibly addictive, becoming addicted to heroin can happen very quickly. Heroin is a street drug that’s synthesized from Morphine, a highly addictive painkiller that’s often used in hospitals after surgery or traumatic injury. Morphine is commonly used in patients with severe pain, as it’s one of the stronger opioids.  However, while many…