Treatment for end stages of alcohol Addiction

There are many options for addiction treatment. And, there’s no one clear option for everyone. Choosing addiction treatment should be tailored to your needs and your addiction. But, fortunately, if you’ve found yourself on this website you’ve already taken the biggest step; deciding that you do need help for an addiction. One of the many options for rehabilitation, treatment, is one of the most intensive and focused options for those who want to live a life of recovery. It’s a form of treatment that all should consider because of the many benefits it offers.

Treatment Helps You Take a Step Back

Throughout active addiction, it’s easy to get into a routine which surrounds the possession and use of drugs. Everything gets put on the backburner– your job, family, friends, and passions all for the substance you crave. This cycle of getting and using your drug of choice begins to become a daily occurrence. If you’re serious about breaking the cycle and establishing new, healthy habits, it’s best to remove yourself from the toxic environment in which you were using. There’s a common saying that it takes 21 days to break a habit. Treatment programs are usually 30, 60, or 90 days. That gives you enough time to not only break old routines and habits but establish new ones!

Treatment Gives You the Chance to Focus on Sobriety

With an outpatient program, you’ll spend a few hours here and there to focus on your addiction treatment services each week. But, with treatment programs, you’ll be in an environment which incorporates recovery in every aspect. This helps individuals to truly focus on what they’re learning throughout treatment and retain information so that it’s helpful when treatment concludes. Not to mention, when you’ll be staying in a treatment facility, you won’t be distracted by all the norms of life like family, friends, or job responsibilities which may be an issue for those who attempt recovery from home. You’ll truly get to concentrate on why you’re in treatment; to get the help you need so that you can recover from addiction successfully.

Establishing a Network of Support

Making friends throughout addiction recovery may not seem like a priority, but it really is. Recovery isn’t easy, and you’re going to need support. Emotions you’ve been numbing with drugs or alcohol are likely to come rushing back to you. Throughout the highs and lows of these emotions, it’s a great advantage to have someone who understands there for comfort and support. And, someone who has been through it before to motivate you when you need it most. So, it’s best to try to make friends while in treatment. Sure, you can make friends in outpatient treatment or even if you attempt to quit cold turkey and simply show up to 12 step meetings. But, in treatment, you’re surrounded by others who, like you, are trying to concentrate on their own recovery. And, you’ll be living with them in the same facility for a certain number of days. So, it gives you better opportunity to meet people and establish lasting relationships which can turn into priceless resources for recovery support.

Ready to Commit to Treatment?

We understand that choosing treatment may be a commitment for you. But, it’s one of the best commitments you can make. You only have one life to live. Do you want it to end early because of addiction? It’s time to take your life back and put an end to addictive behaviors. And, sometimes, to do so, it takes commitments. If you’re going to commit to anything, wouldn’t you want to commit to being a better you? Treatment may be the best option for doing so.
If treatment is something you think you or a loved one may benefit from and wish to learn more about the program offered at Asheville Recovery Center, we are here to help answer any question or concern you may have. If you are struggling with addiction, polysubstance abuse, or a co-occurring disorder, we are here for you. We want you to feel confident and comfortable about your decision to start this journey of addiction recovery. And, we want to be there to help you every step of the way! To speak with an experienced addiction specialist, please give us a call at (828)518-6996.

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