Drug Rehab Facility

If you have made it through the Klonopin detoxification process and came out clean on the other side, we at Asheville Recovery Center, a premier addiction treatment center in North Carolina, applaud you. However, with that being said we do understand that your battle is not completely over yet, as relapse is always a possibility. 

Let’s take a look at five different things you can do to strengthen your ability to stay sober from Klonopin. 

1. Embrace Mindfulness

One of the most proven ways that you can prevent relapse is through the practice of mindfulness. This mental training practice is essentially a form of meditation that involves focusing only on the present moment.

During mindfulness meditation, your breathing is deep. You become fully aware of the sensations in your body and mind. Particularly, focus on the feeling of your breath moving in and out of your body. 

When thoughts arise in your mind, simply let them gently pass by and focus again on your breathing. If your mind begins to wander or get lost in feelings of fear or anxiety, don’t be hard on yourself. This is all a part of the process of mindfulness. Practicing meditation for even 5 minutes a day can make a big difference in your recovery process. 

2. Exercise Regularly

Exercise and addiction recovery go hand in hand. You are likely aware of the physical benefits of exercise, but there are many mental benefits from exercising as well. 

When you exercise, natural, feel-good endorphins, as well as dopamine and serotonin, are flooded into your bloodstream. In turn, your mood is elevated and you are granted a more positive outlook. Exercising helps prevent depression, releases tension, and helps to take your mind off of obsessive thoughts. 

You don’t necessarily need a fancy gym membership to benefit from exercise. Simply, taking a brisk walk 3 times a week will make a big difference in your life. Or, find an activity that you can be passionate about such as yoga, cycling, or aerobics, for instance. Preventing a Klonopin relapse is all about keeping your mind and body focused on other activities. 

3. Participate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Relapse Prevention

To get involved with cognitive behavioral therapy, you attend outpatient sessions with a therapist. He or she will focus upon your thoughts and feelings and what is going on in your recovery process right now. Your therapist will then work to identify negative or inaccurate thinking that you may be having about your life. 

Then they will work with you to help reshape the way you perceive the situations in your life. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for addiction treatment in North Carolina helps give you the power to deal with the events in your life in a healthy way and to feel better about your life in general. 

4. Create a Regular Sleep Routine

Getting enough sleep is a critical component of relapse prevention. It improves your decision-making abilities, and most importantly it gives your body time to heal. Creating a healthy sleep routine that you follow every night is key.

To begin, try to get seven or more hours of sleep every night. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day is also helpful. Your bedroom should be kept cool, dark, and quiet. Avoid watching TV or playing with electronic devices within your sanctuary of sleep. 

5. Eat a Healthy Diet

Another way to help prevent a Klonopin relapse is to make sure you are eating a healthy diet. When you eat right, your mood is improved, you have plenty of energy and your body is able to heal from your addiction. The better you feel, the less likely you will be to crave the drug. 

Ideally, you should be eating foods that are high in protein and fiber, and low in fat. Complex carbohydrates are also a good choice. Avoid sugar and caffeine. Eating your meals around the same time every day will help bring balance to your body. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements may also be beneficial. 

We Are Here When You Need Us

We at Asheville Recovery Center know the temptation you must endure on a daily basis to stay on course with your recovery. Remaining committed to not having a Klonopin relapse can be hard at times, but we are always here to help you. Our addiction specialists are just a phone call away. Reach out to us today and we will gladly help you stay right on track. 

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