Why Rehab?

Why Rehab?

I remember the exact moment when I realized I needed addiction treatment. I was 21, employed part-time as a delivery driver. It was Christmas day and I was sitting in my old pickup truck outside of my dealer’s house.  I had finally gotten her to answer her phone, and step away long enough from her…

What is Addiction?

What is Addiction?

We see it every day, the banter back and forth of whether or not addiction is a choice or a disease. The medical community widely accepts the brain disease model of addiction, and substance use disorder is listed in the DSM V, essentially explained as “patterns of symptoms resulting from the use of a substance…

The Importance of Nutrition during Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery

The Importance of Nutrition during Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery

It is common knowledge that people addicted to drugs neglect their nutrition. Then it makes sense to make proper nutrition part of the addiction treatment and recovery process. Just consider the following facts about drug abuse and nutrition: Drug users have fewer and less consistent meals. Their food is highly processed and unhealthy. Many of…

The Biggest Secret of Successful Addiction Treatment – Preventing Relapses

The Biggest Secret of Successful Addiction Treatment – Preventing Relapses

Have you ever wondered why so many addicts relapse? According to statistics, between 40 and 60% of recovering addicts have at least one relapse. The risk is real, and not even the most successful addiction treatment can diminish it. However, some recovery centers help their patients understand the risks and take measures to diminish them….

Brief Guide to Replacement Therapy During Opioid Addiction Treatment

Opioid addiction is life-threatening not only for the person suffering from it but also to those around them. Addicts overdose, contract and spread infectious diseases, and even engage in criminal activities to obtain their next dose. Those who try to quit opioids experience severe withdrawal symptoms and usually relapse. That is why addiction treatment is…