parent addicted to opioids

What Can I Do If My Elderly Parent is Addicted to Opioids?

We often read news stories and journal articles about a parent addicted to opioids. We may talk to people who are trying to get their spouse to get help for their opioid addiction. However, we don’t often hear stories about people whose elderly parents are addicted to opioids. However, consider that people have been prescribed…

Person practicing sobriety boring

Isn’t Sobriety Boring?

One of the scariest and most pervasive thoughts in early recovery is often, “What am I going to do now?”. In our active using and drinking, we generally experience very little enjoyment.  Out life is in shambles.  Whether it be our home life, our self care, our careers, our grades in school…we are generally having…

Why Rehab is the right answer

Why Rehab?

I remember the exact moment when I realized I needed addiction treatment. I was 21, employed part-time as a delivery driver. It was Christmas day and I was sitting in my old pickup truck outside of my dealer’s house.  I had finally gotten her to answer her phone, and step away long enough from her…

What is Addiction

What is Addiction?

We see it every day, the banter back and forth of whether or not addiction is a choice or a disease. The medical community widely accepts the brain disease model of addiction, and substance use disorder is listed in the DSM V, essentially explained as “patterns of symptoms resulting from the use of a substance…

Adderall overdose

Drug Addiction: The 25 Most Common Signs

Are you or someone you love taking drugs for recreation purposes or to manage pain? Are you worried that the occasional drug use may have turned into an addiction? Drug addiction is on the rise in North Carolina, Buncombe County, and especially Asheville. Luckily, if your suspicions are confirmed, there are numerous drug addiction treatment options…