Long Term Suboxone Use

Is My Loved One Abusing Opioids?

Because many opioids are in prescription form, opioid addiction is both dangerous and insidious. Indicators of opioid addiction are typically evident during advanced stages of addiction, however they may be noticeable early on if one is aware of the signs to look for. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse…

anxiety and psychedelic
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Is My Loved One Abusing Meth?

Meth Addiction is both dangerous and insidious. While indicators may be evident during advanced stages of addiction, they can be overlooked by those unaware of the signs. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, approximately 4 percent of Americans met the criteria for a substance use disorder within…

is meth an upper
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Is My Loved One Abusing Heroin?

Addiction can be both an easily concealable and extremely dangerous disease. Although strong indicators may be evident during advanced stages of addiction, they can be overlooked by those unaware of the signs to look for. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, approximately 4 percent of Americans met…

alcoholic and moderation
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Is My Loved One Abusing Alcohol?

Addiction is an insidious disease. While indicators may be obvious during an advanced addiction, they are often easy to conceal. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, approximately 4 percent of Americans met the criteria for a substance use disorder within the past year, with approximately 10 percent…

Family Roles In Addiction Treatment
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Family Roles In Addiction Treatment

Let’s face it, family roles in addiction treatment is scary. This initial step on the road to recovery can leave one feeling vulnerable, exposed, and unfairly judged. Due to these innate fears, many treatment-seeking clients are hesitant to involve those closest to them in order to prevent unease or embarrassment. Although there are many serious…

alcoholic eating disorder

Are There Different Types of Alcoholics?

When the average person thinks of alcoholism, they may assume that all alcoholics are the same. However, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has determined that there are five distinct subtypes of alcoholics, based on their research. Knowing the different categories can help you to identify signs of alcoholism in yourself and your…

Alcohol Rehabilitation Asheville NC

14 Harmful Effects Associated with Drinking Alcohol

What are the effects of alcohol? That is the question of millions of Americans. Alcohol Use Disorder has gotten a lot of attention lately, considering the social, emotional, and psychological impact of alcoholism. However, sometimes, people don’t think about the physical health problems that can develop as a result of excessive alcohol use in both…

drug interaction fentanyl

How Can I Use Opioids Safely?

Almost everyone has heard about the high rates of opioid abuse, addiction, and overdose in the United States. If you’re currently taking prescription opioids or your doctor has discussed them with you, you may be wondering if you should take them. Opioids are highly addictive but for some people, they’re the best treatment option. You…