
Is Alcohol an Upper or a Downer?

Most drugs fall into one of two categories: “uppers” or “downers”. Referring to the physical and mental reactions a user experiences while intoxicated by a specific substance, these physiological experiences manifest in different ways. As stimulants, uppers produce an increase in energy, feelings of invincibility, and sharpened focus while downers act as depressants, inducing lethargy,…

Is Cocaine an Upper or Downer?

Is Cocaine an Upper or Downer?

All drugs can be categorized as either “uppers” or “downers”. These terms refer to the overall physical and chemical reactions an individual experiences while being under the influence of a specific substance. Uppers are stimulants that produce an increase in energy, feelings of invincibility, and sharpened focus while downers act as depressants, inducing lethargy, feelings…

heroin addiction treatment asheville nc

Is Heroin an Upper or Downer?

You’re most likely wondering, “Is Heroin an upper or downer?” Most drugs, including legal, prescription, and illicit, are categorized as being either “uppers” or “downers”. These terms refer to the overall physical and chemical reactions an individual experiences while being under the influence of a specific substance. Uppers are stimulants that produce an increase in…

Is Meth an Upper or Downer?

Is Meth an Upper or Downer?

Are you wondering, “Is Meth an Upper or a downer?” Within the world of drugs, there are substances considered “uppers” and substances considered “downers”. With the exception of a small few, most drugs fall into one of these two categories. These terms refer to the physical, mental, and emotional reactions an individual experiences while being…

am I an alcoholic

Top 10 Most Dangerous Alcoholic Beverages

As a legal and easily accessible substance, alcohol is consistently ranked the most dangerous, addictive drug in the world. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, approximately 15 million individuals in the United States suffer from alcoholism.  The dangers of alcohol misuse are well-known, however, the statistics show that alcohol consumption is…

Prescribed drugs

Combining Ambien and Alcohol

As addictive and legal substances, Ambien and alcohol both have the potential to inflict harm on the user; however, the possibility of harm increases exponentially when they are combined.  Being legal substances, these two drugs are easily accessible and commonly mixed without the user having knowledge of the many potential health risks. To understand the…


Alcohol and Adderall

While both alcohol and Adderall are highly addictive and potentially dangerous on their own, the likelihood of adverse effects increases significantly when they are combined. Being legal substances, these two drugs are easily accessible and commonly mixed without the user having knowledge of the many potential health risks. To understand the danger associated with this…

anxiety and psychedelic

Dangers in Combining Alcohol and LSD

Substance abuse is hazardous when a drug is used in isolation; however, combining substances increases the likelihood of experiencing adverse reactions and is oftentimes fatal. Combining alcohol and a hallucinogen such as LSD is one of those dangerous combinations. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, polysubstance abuse is very common with approximately…

Alcohol Rehabilitation Asheville NC

Alcohol and Heroin

Alcohol is the leading addictive substance in the world, whereas heroin is one of the main contributors to the ongoing opioid epidemic. Both substances are extremely addictive and potentially fatal when used on their own; however, the combination increases the risk of fatality exponentially. In examining the dangers of this combination, it is important to…