alcoholism and alcohol

Is Alcoholism More Prevalent in Males or Females?

When it comes to drug rehab, women are much more likely to enter treatment than men. This statistic is strange, as men are more likely to develop alcoholism or drug addiction when compared to women. This means that there’s a much higher percentage of men dealing with untreated addiction when compared to women.  Let’s take…

What are the “Three Waves” of the Opioid Epidemic?

The opioid epidemic dates back to the early 1900s and has been raging on ever since. Nearly 450,000 people have died over the past 20 years as a result of opioid overdose. The opioid epidemic can be broken down into three waves, prescription opioids, heroin, and synthetic opioids.  The First Wave of the Opioid Epidemic …

Factors That Make You Prone to Cocaine Addiction

Factors That Make You Prone to Cocaine Addiction

There are some people who are at higher risk for cocaine addiction than others. For example, those who have been diagnosed with mental disorders or have relatives that suffer from addiction are much more likely to develop an addiction when compared to people who don’t suffer from those risk factors. Because cocaine is highly addictive,…

gateway drug adolescents

Lifelong Effects of Alcoholism

Drinking alcohol every once and a while doesn’t have a huge impact on one’s life-long health, but consistent alcoholism definitely does. Heavy alcohol consumption or alcohol addiction can lead to issues with mental and physical health, such as liver problems, heart damage, liver problems, and changes in personality and mood.  The more a person drinks…

Adderall while pregnant

Lifelong Effects of Opioid Abuse

There are many consequences that go along with opioid abuse, including both short-term and long-term consequences. While many people only focus on the short-term, such as withdrawal symptoms after quitting and drug cravings, there are many long-term consequences including damage to the mind and body.  To learn more about how opioid addiction can affect your…