alcohol addiction

5 Good Discussion Topics About Alcoholism

If you or someone you love struggles with alcohol addiction, it’s time to find treatment near you. Thankfully, we offer a variety of options for alcohol rehab in Asheville, but more on that later. Here are five different discussion topics about alcoholism. Whether you’re talking to a child or teen that you’re worried has started…


History of Moonshine

The moonshine origin story is an interesting one. It was created before prohibition, but its story carries throughout prohibition and even beyond. It’s known for being popular during the roaring 20s, but these days it can be purchased all over the world, and it’s totally legal! However, there’s a lot you should know about the…

crystal meth addiction

Find Out the Dangers of Meth Abuse During Pregnancy

Meth abuse during pregnancy can cause infants to experience fetal meth exposure, meaning that they may be born with a variety of issues other babies would not be. There are many dangers associated with fetal meth exposure, including meth-addicted newborns, withdrawal symptoms for babies, and even birth defects or long-term damage. However, we can’t forget…

Cocaine Addiction and Crime

Cocaine Addiction and Crime

Is there an association between drug use and the crime rate? Many people advise against the use of drugs and refer to drug users as “criminals”. While using illegal drugs is, of course, illegal, drug users should not be treated as criminals. Many drug users fall into drug addiction by mistake by way of prescription…

signs of heroin addiction and use

5 Signs You Need Rehab for Alcoholism

If you or a loved one struggles with alcohol abuse, it may be time to start looking for alcohol rehab in Asheville. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered! Asheville Recovery Center offers a wide variety of treatment programs for alcohol abuse, including inpatient, outpatient, and detoxification. To learn more about our programs and how we can…

meth overdose

19 Risks of Stimulant Abuse for People with Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder and stimulant abuse can be a deadly combination. While co-occurring diagnoses are common alongside drug abuse, bipolar disorder is one that’s particularly affected by drug use. To learn more about how these two diagnoses interact and how the use of stimulants can cause higher risks for those with bipolar disorder, keep reading. And…


Zendaya defends Euphoria after D.A.R.E. Criticism

Briefly after the second season premiere of Euphoria, Zendaya spoke out on the criticism the show received from the D.A.R.E. (drug abuse resistance education) organization. Many other people and organizations have cited concerns about the show glorifying the use of drugs amongst teens, but one specific comment from D.A.R.E. seemed to catch the show’s attention…