Ativan: Is It Addictive?

Ativan: Is It Addictive?

Benzodiazepines like Ativan are often referred to as “worried well’s favorite” drug. These medications are prescribed to treat anxiety, insomnia, and panic disorders. Doctors have found that the effectiveness of Ativan and other benzodiazepines lies in their ability to reduce stress and anxiety. In other words, it is a common drug used to help people…

rehab and detox center

6 Steps to Stage an Intervention for Cocaine Addiction

A cocaine addiction is a tough one to tackle. Its effects are long-lasting, and it can wreak havoc on the user’s physical and mental health. The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. A successful intervention is the moment when you have enough people in your corner to convince your loved…


7 Ways to Avoid Relapse

So, you managed to stay clean and drug-free for a few months, or even years. Congratulations! But now, the withdrawal symptoms have started to creep back in. You feel anxious, lonely, and overwhelmed again. Or perhaps you realized that your sobriety was only temporary, and now you’re even more determined to stay clean for good….

is meth an upper

6 Drug Use Myths You Need to Stop Believing

The truth is, you probably believe a lot of false things about drug use. Maybe you’ve even convinced yourself that some of these ideas are true, when in fact they are nothing but myths. If you’re ready to move forward in your recovery, you need to understand that you can’t change other people’s behavior. Instead,…