What Are the Dangers of MDMA?

What Are the Dangers of MDMA?

MDMA is a synthetic psychoactive drug that’s used for recreational purposes. It affects mood and perception and provides feelings of pleasure, emotional warmth, and increased energy. MDMA rose to popularity in raves and the nightclub scene but it is now more widely used. It is more commonly known as molly or ecstasy. Molly is a…

What Are the Dangers of Xanax Abuse and Addiction?

People who are struggling with anxiety and panic disorders are often prescribed Xanax by their doctors. It’s used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks and generalized anxiety disorders. Doctors may also prescribe it for conditions that cause convulsions. Very often, this potent drug is effective in helping patients to…

How COVID-19 May Affect People Struggling with Alcohol Use Disorder

How COVID-19 May Affect People Struggling with Alcohol Use Disorder

Almost everyone has had their lives affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in some way. Some people have contracted the disease while others have lost loved ones to it or seen their income drop significantly because of it. Others continue to work on the frontlines performing physically and emotionally draining tasks. Staying indoors has also…

Is Codeine Addictive?

Is Codeine Addictive?

Is Codeine Addictive? At first glance, codeine can seem pretty harmless. It’s a prescription drug that doctors sometimes recommend for mild to moderate pain. It’s also the active ingredient in many well-known prescription cough medicines. While it has clear medicinal uses, codeine is an opioid. This means it’s the same type of drug as heroin,…

My Parent Seems to Have a Drinking Problem, What Should I Do?

My Parent Seems to Have a Drinking Problem, What Should I Do?

Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the United States and alcoholism affects millions of Americans.  It can have a severe negative effect on an individual’s personal, social, professional, and even financial life. Alcoholism also affects those closest to the addict like the children or spouse. Children of alcoholics may feel embarrassed, scared and…