Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement: Effective Drug Addiction Help for All
Recovery fellowships offer people who struggle with addiction the love, support, community, spiritual connection that they need to heal from the pain of drinking and doing drugs. Addiction treatment addresses the underlying factors that contribute to substance use disorder: mood disorders or mental illness, family of origin dysfunction, trauma, maladjusted coping mechanisms, and social functioning issues. Both approaches treat the same disease in different ways, but they are both equally necessary for long-term recovery from addiction. One of the flaws in drug addiction help in the modern world is that it focuses on only one of these approaches when both are vital for solid and long-lasting recovery from addiction.
Bridging The Gap
The mission statement of the Asheville Recovery Center is to bridge the gap between twelve-step-based treatment models and clinical addiction treatment models and offer treatment that approaches addiction from both perspectives. We aim to provide a twelve-step model of care that allows clients to participate in local recovery fellowships that encourage accountability, honesty, community, love, intimacy, spirituality, and support. Alongside this approach, we also aim to provide evidence-based clinical care through experienced professionals in order to address the mental and physical needs of our patients. We believe that both of these approaches can be synthesized to create a model that truly works. The mission of Asheville Recovery Center is to give our clients all that they need: the tough love, compassion, connection received from twelve-step fellowships and scientific, evidence-based, clinical support through psychiatric and therapeutic care.
Everyone deserves the chance to recover from the pain and chaos of addiction. They have the right to do so in a supportive but accountable environment, with their confidentiality protected. Every individual also has the right to a treatment plan that is created specifically for their needs, and not to be boxed into a “one-size-fits-all” style of treatment. Each client should be given access to a community of supportive peers as well as to a team of certified, trained, and experienced behavioral health and addiction treatment clinicians. Drug addiction help should combine the tough love necessary to motivate clients with the compassion necessary to reach them. Essentially, every individual deserves the chance that the founders of Asheville Treatment Center are so grateful that they had themselves.

The Mission Statement of Asheville Recovery Center:
Long-Term Addiction Recovery
If you’re tired of the detox-treatment-relapse cycle, maybe it’s time for a different approach to drug addiction help. Holistic therapy and group sessions are vital, but they are not enough to truly build a foundation for long-lasting recovery from alcoholism, and addiction. To really mend from addiction- not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally- human beings need connection, fellowship, and care that serves their unique needs. That’s why we provide psychiatric and therapeutic services alongside holistic treatment and maintain a foundation of a twelve-step model. We keep a small caseload with a high staff-to-client ratio to make sure that every client always has access to individual care that’s tailored to their needs. We also utilize the group dynamic to help our patients create a community that supports each of them and hold them accountable for their choices in recovery.
At Asheville Recovery Center, care isn’t about shuffling clients through premade treatment plans or simply providing access to spa-like services. It’s about real recovery because we believe that every human being has the right to be free of addiction and alcoholism. The care we provide is tough at times, but always compassionate. We offer clinical therapy alongside opportunities for spiritual growth and connection. Treatment is intimate and individualized, and at other times done in a group setting to build a healthy community. We approach to care from all of these different aspects because that’s what every client needs: treatment that heals the whole person, from a place of love and understanding.
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