Recovery from Alcohol Addiction

Recovery From Alcohol Addiction: Long Term is Possible

Recovery From Alcohol Addiction is one of the biggest goals in the United States in 2024. If you’re overcoming alcohol addiction, your main priorities must be your sobriety and overall health.  If you don’t pay sufficient attention to these, your quality of life and well-being could easily spiral downward. Personal and professional challenges will continue…

What are bath salts?

What Are Bath Salts? Can I Get Addicted to Them?

You may be wondering, “What are bath salts?” A few years ago, there was lots of media attention surrounding bath salts, the common name given to synthetic cathinones. The drug was being linked to so-called face-eating cannibal attacks in the United Kingdom and the United States. Now that the media frenzy has died down, there…

Adderall Withdrawal

COVID-19: The Negative Affect for People Struggling with Alcohol Use Disorder

Almost everyone has had their lives affected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in some way. Some people have contracted the disease while others have lost loved ones to it or seen their income drop significantly because of it. Others continue to work on the frontlines performing physically and emotionally draining tasks. Staying indoors has also…

Teenage Drug Use

Can Social Media Influence Teen Drug Use?

Young people have been experimenting with drugs and alcohol for generations. However, each generation faces unique challenges. Today, social media plays a big role when it comes to teenage drug use. Teens are especially vulnerable to things they see on Snapchat, Instagram, and more recently, TikTok. Not only can they see what their friends are…