percocet addiction treatment center

Can I Overdose on Percocet?

Various substances with addictive properties can lead to overdose, with certain ones carrying higher risks. The probability of overdose typically correlates with the potency of the substance. Higher potency increases the likelihood of an overdose occurrence. Recognizing the hazards of substance abuse, understanding overdose symptoms, and knowing how to respond to an overdose situation are…

dangers of Adderall

Covid-19 Causes Spike in Overdoses

Throughout 2020, Covid-19 inflicted worldwide damage. The virus claimed the lives of 1,925,076 people in the year alone. While everyone scrambled to adjust to pandemic-era living, overdose deaths also skyrocketed. In fact, 2020 set a record for the largest single-year increase in overdose deaths ever recorded.  According to data collected by the Centers for Disease…

how addictive is heroin?

Can I Overdose on Heroin?

Many addictive substances can cause an overdose when abused. The more potent the substance, the more likely an overdose becomes. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance addiction, it is important to know the dangers of abuse, the symptoms of overdose, and what to do if someone has overdosed.  Dangers of Heroin…


Can You Overdose on Cocaine?

Overdose occurs when an individual ingests a dangerously high amount of a substance which then causes severe side effects and possibly death. Most addictive substances carry the risk of overdose when abused. Some of the more potent substances have a higher likelihood of causing overdose. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction,…

Am I An OxyContin Addict?

Determining if you or a loved one is struggling with OxyContin addiction requires an in-depth examination of priorities and habits. An extremely potent opioid, OxyContin is largely considered the source of the current opioid epidemic. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 14,139 deaths from prescription opioid overdose were reported between the years 2017-2019. …