
Factors That Make You Prone to Opioid Addiction

There are many factors that put a person at higher risk for opioid abuse, including having a family member who’s an addict, being on an opioid prescription, or having co-occurring mental health disorders. While these factors may increase your risk of addiction, addiction is not certain and can still be avoided.  To learn more about…

what is fentanyl

What Drugs Can Be Laced with Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a deadly synthetic opioid that is often mixed with other drugs on the street. Because of this, fentanyl overdose is common amongst drug users. The Drug Enforcement Administration found fentanyl-laced substances 8,600 times in a six-month period. On top of that, 28,400 people died because of synthetic opioid overdoses in 2017.  The opioid…

Opioid Abuse Impact on Children and Families | Opioid Rehabilitation

Celebrities Who Have Struggled with Addiction

Because of prejudice and stereotyping, we often think that substance abuse is a problem that only homeless people and those under the poverty line struggle with, but this simply isn’t true. All types of people can struggle with addiction, even celebrities. Here are a few celebrities that have battled with addiction throughout the years. While…

pain pills

Are “Uppers” as Addictive as “Downers”?

Most drugs that are used either illegally can be considered stimulants (“uppers”) or depressants (“downers”). Stimulants make the user feel a sense of euphoria or high that makes them feel happy. Depressants, on the other hand, make users feel calm and zen. While stimulants and depressants are often used recreationally, these drugs can be prescribed,…

alcohol addiction

Factors That Make You Prone to Alcoholism

There are many factors, such as genetic predisposition that put people at a higher risk for developing alcoholism. Alcohol addiction is defined as having a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol and participating in a pattern of frequent, high-quantity drinking. Many people with alcohol addictions find it hard to get through the day without having…

Am I an Alcoholic

How Many Glasses of Wine are Safe to Drink in a Day?

Drinking one glass of 12% ABV wine a day has been associated with general health and well-being, but can that lead to alcohol addiction? There’s a fine line between drinking for health purposes and drinking every day because you’re physically or psychologically addicted. To learn more about the health benefits of drinking wine every day…

Adderall while pregnant

How Long to Become Addicted to Pain Pills?

Opioid overdoses caused more than 42,000 deaths in 2016, and that number is climbing each and every year. Opioids are commonly prescribed as pain pills, specifically for pain that is associated with injury or trauma. For example, after a car accident or to help someone recover from surgery.  While opioids are incredibly helpful when it…

is meth an upper

Which Depressant Drug is the Most Dangerous?

Depressant drugs affect the central nervous system, slowing down brain activity. They’re used to treat many different conditions in a prescription form, such as insomnia, anxiety, panic attack, stress, pain, and seizures. They work by affecting neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), calming down the mind and body.  While these drugs, such as benzodiazepines and sleeping pills…