uppers polysubstance

The Dark Side of Psychedelics

What Are Psychedelics?  Psychedelics are a class of hallucinogenic drugs that can be composed of chemicals, such as LSD, or plants, such as psilocybin mushrooms. Psychedelics, sometimes called “hallucinogens” have a primary effect of triggering non-ordinary states of consciousness in the individuals who take them. Other psychedelics include ecstasy, PCP, GHB, ketamine, ayahuasca, and salvia. …

Adderall while pregnant

How To Avoid A Drug Interaction

What Is A Drug Interaction?  Essentially, a drug interaction occurs in certain scenarios, including when taking two or more medications, a medication combined with a supplement, food, other substances, or while having a medical condition. Drug interactions can alter the medication’s effect on the body in various ways, such as causing the medication to be…

opioid abuse and etizolam anxiety

Can Alcoholism Cause an Eating Disorder?

Anorexia and bulimia are types of eating disorders that cause severe damage to the body. There is known to be a close link between eating disorders and alcoholism. While many people assume that alcohol increases appetite, this isn’t always the case, especially if someone suffers from a dual diagnosis. To learn more about the connection…

meth overdose

Difference Between Meth Dependence and Meth Addiction

If you or someone you love is looking for meth addiction treatment in Asheville, we’re here to help. Whether you’re suffering from an addiction or a loved one is, it’s important to know the different terms people use to refer to meth abuse. Both meth addiction and meth dependence are used to describe a person…

drug conviction

Negative Effects of the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1988

The Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1988 helped to fund the ‘War on Drugs’. While drug addicts were already treated like criminals, these enhanced laws only furthered that stereotype, reducing the amount of treatment drug addicts had access to and, instead, sending them to jail without the treatment they needed. To learn more about the…

The 27 Club was coined after Brian Jones (The Rolling Stones), Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison (The Doors) all died of overdose between 1969 and 1971.

The “27 Club”: What is it?

Unfortunately, many musicians have been a victim of overdose fatality throughout history. An overdose occurs when someone takes too high a dose or combines too many drugs at once, overpowering their system. Overdose isn’t always fatal but can be without immediate medical treatment. Overdose may be accidental or deliberate.  Oftentimes people overdose to kill themselves,…