Medically Reviewed Content

Jodi Mabry

Since embarking on my nursing career in 2011, I’ve assumed diverse roles that have enriched my professional journey. In 2017, my relocation to Western North Carolina (WNC) brought to light a pressing demand for healthcare providers specializing in substance abuse and mental health. Recognizing this imperative need, I committed to advancing my education and successfully transitioned into the role of a nurse practitioner.

Since 2021, I have been dedicatedly serving at the Asheville Recovery Center, an establishment devoted to aiding individuals on their path to recovery. This opportunity has been a source of profound fulfillment, allowing me to witness the remarkable progress clients make in their journey toward reclaiming their lives from the grip of addiction and mental health challenges. I consider myself fortunate to contribute to their recovery and play a pivotal role in fostering positive transformations daily.

Jodi Mabry, Nurse Practitioner (NP)

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