Inhalant Addiction
Inhalant addiction isn’t as prevalent as addictions to other substances. But, when untreated, it can be extremely serious and often ends in an unexpected death. So, it’s extremely important that an individual who is dependent or addicted to inhalants get the help they need through treatment. Here at Asheville Recovery Center, we offer programs for individuals who are struggling with inhalant addiction.
What are Inhalants?
Typically, inhalants are household products that are comprised of chemicals that can result in intoxication if inhaled. Because inhalants are usually found around the house, the demographic of people who are most commonly affected by inhalant addiction are younger. Inhaling substances is commonly referred to as “huffing”. Huffing is performed by soaking a cloth and placing it near the face, sniffing near the surface of the chemicals in a bag or container, and directly spraying chemicals from an aerosol container into the lungs through the mouth.
Usually, the effects of inhaling household chemicals only last a few minutes. But, in those few minutes, users will experience a rush of intense euphoria or hallucination effects which may contribute to the cause of developed addictive behaviors. Some commonly inhaled household products may include:
- Glue
- Bleach
- Gasoline
- Freon
- Lighter fluid
- Nail polish remover
- Cleaning products
- Hairspray
- Cooking oil spray
- Nitrates
- More
The Dangers of Inhalant Abuse

Using inhalants to get high once is considered abuse. That’s because, with only one experience with abusing inhalants, you can die. They’re considered a central nervous system depressant. And, because it is such, it can affect involuntary systems like respiratory and cardiovascular which depend on the nervous system to function. So, an overdose of inhalants, which can happen the first time, can lead to the stopping of the heart or breathing which results in death.
Statistics on Inhalant Abuse in the United States
Fortunately, inhalant abuse isn’t as prevalent as other drugs. But, it is unfortunate that these drugs are most popular amongst the younger generation. In fact, according to a study performed by The National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2016, 7.7% of 8th graders, 6.6% of 10th graders, and 5% of 12th graders have all tried inhalants in their lifetimes to get high. Perhaps the most frightening find of this study is that the younger the class, the higher the lifetime use percentage. This means that inhalant use may be growing in popularity with our youngest generations. And, it means there has to be more awareness about the dangerous effects and addiction to these substances.
How to Tell if Your Child is Abusing Inhalants
You may be here looking for answers as to if your child is abusing inhalants or what to do if you are aware that your child is abusing inhalants. If you aren’t sure if you’re child is abusing inhalants, there are a few signs you can look out for which may point fingers toward an addiction. Some of these signs may include:
- An intoxicated appearance similar to being drunk
- Slurred speech
- Disorientation
- Suppressed appetite
- Exhaustion
- Lack of focus
- Health issues like kidney, liver, or blood problems
Treatment for Inhalant Addiction
If you or someone you love is struggling with inhalant abuse, there is help available. If you’re the parent of a child who you suspect is using inhalants, it’s best to talk to your child in a supportive and compassionate way about how they will go about getting the help they need through treatment. If you’re having trouble convincing a loved one to get the help they need, you may wish to consider holding an intervention. Otherwise, if your loved one is willing to attend treatment, Asheville Recovery Center offers a number of programs to meet the needs of any individual struggling with addiction.
Recovery is most definitely possible if you’re motivated to get sober. Because inhalant abuse can lead to death with any and every use, it’s extremely important to get help immediately. And, start living the sober life you need to be the person you were always meant to be! To speak to an addiction specialist at our facility, contact us today!
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